Sunday, May 1, 2016


It’s a morning time and I am on my breakfast table with a cup of coffee along with today’s news paper. As usual, the first news on front page is catching my attention ‘ANOTHER GIRL RAPED IN DELHI’. I’m confused if I’m reading an old newspaper. I am moving inside the storeroom and started exploring old newspapers and whatever I’m seeing is unbelievable. A flood of similar news like, a girl, whose father went outside, left her alone and she was raped. Another girl went to school, was not just raped, but also killed…. So on and so forth. Sometime the victim is not even 10 year old girl and it makes me feel ashamed that I am also living in the same city. And this is the most common news which I read almost every-day in every media. It is leading me to multiple common questions which a parent wants to get answered: Is this the country of Durga, Sita and Lakshmibai? Is this a “CITY OF RAPIST’? Where is our law and order? What our government is doing… and many other questions.


Since, we always ends-up blaming the government, society and many other factors. We must need to go in the route of this problem. There are many reasons behind this. While hearing many gang-rape incidents, mostly legislator suggest that skirts and other shot dress as a uniform for girls, citing it as the reason for increased cases of sexual harassment.  Another very important reasons our judicial system which is too slow and only 10 percent of total rape cases are reported and out of these only 24 percent see convictions.

But despite blaming the western culture, blaming our judicial system and poor law & order, I have a different thinking. I strongly believe that the actual reason is very different. I found a very interesting reason which we all would be agreed with. The reason is “Our Thinking”. It’s we, who brings all the good and bad practices in the society. The major problem stands in our thinking and mindset. I hope you have got my indication. I am talking about our day to day behaviour against ladies. Mainly when we go outside and see a girl in shots cloth. Indeed it indicates our poor mentality and how we treat our women. And it happens just because of poor education percentage and self-awareness. It reminds me an episode of Satyameva Jayte wherein Aamir khan indicates of using such a cheap words like “Maal, Item… etc. What we see around the society in our childhood is how we get moulded as a person. We always give long speeches and lectures about family values and respect to women, but we (men) don’t follow the same. When a boy grows up seeing his fiends/brothers doing this shit how can we expect him that he will do nothing similar to the same?

Ultimately, it’s the girl only who suffer with this pain. She can be anyone, even someone from our family and friend circle. Thus, we need to be a man and show our respect to the girls/women. Education is an important tool through which people could be made aware of what is right and what is wrong.  I believe we should all work towards it and improve our mental health first. Pure thinking can help build a pure society.

Follow me @vpmtripathi

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